Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween from our Little Clemson Tiger Cub

Thanks to Grammy, Jack sported his first Halloween as Clemson Tiger Cub. This made his daddy so very proud. Although he looked super cute, he slept through all the trick or treaters. Hopefully next year he will be a little more excited.
From 10-8 Jackson Fall 2008

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Jack's first roadtrip

Jack had a big weekend and took off on his first roadtrip. We headed to Lexington to meet some of his family, including his Great-Grand Pop and saw where Grammy lives. Then we went up to Salisbury to finish the weekend off, where he met many of his cutie (possible future) girlfriends--who were all born around the same time. Baby Lily, Baby Mary Grace, and Maggie all really enjoyed their playdate:) Little Dino even came down to make an appearance and show Jack some cool tricks including giving High Five's and Knuckles. He had a great time but was literally worn out by the end and on the way home showed mommy and daddy how tired he was by shedding his very first tears in the car (which broke their hearts).

From 10-1 Jack and friends

Monday, September 22, 2008

Baby Jack's first couple weeks into the world...

Jack has now been with us a little over 2 weeks and adjusting well to his new world, as are his mommy, daddy, and the dogs. Cooper and Chase are a little frustrated with the lack of attention, but otherwise have accepted their new brother with open arms. After coming home from the hospital and surviving the not so bad "Tropical Storm Hana", Jackson has had plenty of visitors and some outings with mommy. He especially loves his football weekends with daddy and really enjoys cheering on the Clemson tigers!!! He even has a football outfit he wears with his daddy. Parenthood has been wonderful so far minus the night feeds (which daddy has so graciously taken on so mommy can sleep a little more). We send our love to all and hope to do better at keeping the updates.
From 9-17 Jackson's 1st 2 weeks of life

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Jackson "Jack" Pierce Manheimer has arrived

A very proud Aunt Jill writes this completely unbiased post about the most adorable baby boy in all the land. Baby Jackson "Jack" Pierce Manheimer arrived at 4:18 p.m. on Wednesday, September 3, 2008. Weighing in at 7lbs 1oz and measuring 20.5", Jack has the eyes, cheeks, nose, and toes of his daddy and his momma's lips. With the possibility of Hurricane Hanna hitting Charleston later this week and Brooke at 4cm at her Tuesday appointment, she and Jeff decided it was best to be induced and bring this baby into the world prior to evacuating, thus avoiding any chance of Jeff (or Dr. Dave) having to deliver the babe in the car on I526 en route to Columbia.

Looking fabulous and feeling fine after the wonderful powers of the epidural, Brookie and Jeff chatted casually with all of us gathered for the big event - me, Sharon, Dave, Jean, Nana Jean, Stacey, Alexis and even Somers skipped classes to be there. Don't worry, we all left the room when they got down to the nitty gritty, but we didn't go far...listening anxiously outside of the waiting room with our ears pressed to the door, on high alert for the sounds of a newborn's cry.

At 4:18 p.m. Grammy Jean heard Jack's cries and thought that she'd also heard "It's a boy!" However, we waited another 20 minutes until a beaming Jeff came out of the room with his son, Jack.

Jack is already quite the charmer and a good shot - as the mother of daughters, Gamma Sharon did not know that you shouldn't stand too close to a baby boy when he is getting his diaper changed!!

Brooke and Jeff will bring Jack home, tomorrow, and introduce him to his "brothers", Chase and Cooper. All are doing incredibly well. The wait is over and we have been truly blessed.

From Baby Jack Arrives_090308

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

It's Baby Time....

Much to our surprise we are going in tomorrow to have baby Manheimer. I was shocked to learn at today's Dr. appt that I am halfway to being fully dilated, not to mention we have NOT 1 BUT 3 HURRICANES coming our way....therefore the doctor recommended having our baby sooner than later!!! Stay tuned as we plan to update you all with our newest edition.

Friday, August 22, 2008

The Stork will be arriving soon

Jeff and I are anxiously awaiting our first little one to come into this world. We are due September 1oth and can't wait to find out if the stork will bring us a baby boy or girl???? I have been blessed with a wonderful pregnancy so far and just pray for a healthy baby. It is hard to believe we are so close. We will keep you posted in the meantime...

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Our Precious Little Niece--Lexi Jodie

Jeff and I became an Aunt and Uncle last December 29th when Jeff's sis, Stacey, and brother-in-law Brett had Alexis....also known as "LEXI". She is now 8 months old and cute as she can be. We love when she comes to visit, and she gives the dogs a good dose of what is to come :)